
Just the way you are Thursday, September 22, 2011

(Pairing: Sunye/Son Hoyoung)

“Sunye ah, are you experiencing an identity crisis or something?”

The subject glanced at her best friend, with whom she had shared a decade-long friendship, Jo Kwon upon his question. He was holding a pair of seductive killer stilettos and printed on his face was a look of incredulity.

“I can’t believe you wasted your monthly allowance on this,” he told her. He then pointed his finger at the sophisticated dresses lying on Sunye’s bed, almost accusingly as though the fabrics were some sort of an evil spirit. “And these... Seriously?”

Before she could even refute Kwon’s statement, Minyoung entered the bedroom and spoke out in her defense, “Kwonnie, this is what you call ‘the things girls do for boys’.”

“Min, I get that Sunye wants to impress Hoyoung hyung, but come on, let’s be real. Sunye cannot even walk in a 2-inch heel, let alone that? She’s only going to embarrass herself.”

Sunye rolled her eyes at him, visibly annoyed. “Wow, thanks for the moral support, Kwon.”

He heaved a distressed sigh, hoping to place some sense into her. “Sunye, hyung likes you for what you are. Why are you changing yourself? It doesn’t make sense.”

Minyoung, who always seemed to have a better understanding about her among Sunye’s two best friends, retaliated on her behalf. “Kwon, don’t you think you’re being a hypocrite right now? Coming from a guy who would stare at sexy girls in miniskirts every time given the chance…”

“What do you expect? I’m a guy,” he reasoned, giving her a shrug on the shoulders.

Sunye almost immediately attacked him as soon as he voiced out his opinion. “That is the point! Hoyoung oppa is a guy, too – a college guy, at that. He’s surrounded by mature, sophisticated women all the time. I ought to stop being ‘high school’ to keep up with him.”

Figuring that he was just wasting his time arguing with the persistent girls, he gave up. “You girls are a lost cause.”

Noticing a horror-struck look on her best friend, Sunye whispered, knowingly, “I know, right?”

“This is so cool,” Minyoung spoke out quietly, with her jaw almost dropped. “There are so many hotties… Oh look! That hot thing right there was our senior when we were freshies.”

Sunye smiled, with a roll of the eyes. That was not what she had anticipated as Minyoung’s reaction, but that was close to it. Truth be told, she didn’t know why she was surprised, considering this was Lee Minyoung, after all; the boy-crazy girl, who was a little cuckoo in the head. In Minyoung’s defense, she was the fun one, and Sunye was the polar opposite: Little Miss No Fun. Jo Kwon, on the other hand, was a whole other level of fun – too elevated for anyone’s sake – and she would not want to touch on Jo Kwon’s craziness because it was simply overload.

“This is… This is life!” she declared, closing her eyes momentarily, as though engulfing herself in this wonderful... life.

The duo had just entered 18th Rendezvous, a pub, which was home to the ‘hotspot’ for teenagers. When Sunye first went there to watch Hoyoung’s performance with his band, in her high school uniform, much to her enormous regret, she had never felt so little in her entire life. The entire time she felt like she was swallowed and stomped by the cool crowd of sexy, sophisticated, mature young ladies and handsome masterpieces (who wouldn’t even spare a glance at the non-belonging ‘kid’). Although Son Hoyoung offered no complaints and genuinely did not mind, she still felt like she tarnished his reputation – after all, he was very popular amongst the females. In addition, she detested those smirks and whispers she had received – those ladies must have found Sunye a joke, and that the charming, talented and insanely gorgeous Son Hoyoung deserved so much better. To sum everything up, Sunye was in all sorts of insecurities.

This time, they would eat their nasty words. Dressed in a gorgeous little black dress that highlighted her beautiful shoulders and killer legs, she was only going to impress. With the make-up applied and her stilettos, she was 17 no more.

“Wow, Sunye, I think you over-awed everyone,” Minyoung whispered as they made their way to the backstage, eyes everywhere concentrated on them.

“Isn’t that what I wanted to achieve anyway? Now I look more suited with their Hoyoung oppa, don’t I?”

Minyoung laughed and responded in jest, “But this is overkill!”

“Wow, Sunye, you look so different,” Son Junyoung, The Soul Architects’ bassist, and Hoyoung’s close cousin, commented when he almost bumped into Sunye and Minyoung, when the duo was en route to the mini backstage to meet Hoyoung and the rest of The Soul Architects. “… Hot.” He received a playful smack on the arm, as a result.

Upon hearing his girlfriend’s name being mentioned, Hoyoung’s head perked up right away. He had received a text message from Sunye prior that she could not make it, so he was definitely a little taken aback by her appearance.

“Where’s oppa?” she asked Junyoung enthusiastically.

Before he could even answer her, Hoyoung appeared, in his ever-mighty presence.


Little did she know, she was the one at the receiving end.

Sunye leaned over to hug him, but to her dismay, she only felt his cold shoulders unmoved. Hoyoung did not return her hug, or move at all. Perplexed, she withdrew from her embrace and looked at him questioningly.

She hardly stirred her tongue when he spoke – in a menacing voice that sent shivers down her spines.

“What are you wearing?”

Surprised at his unexpected question, she grew speechless. The overwhelming seriousness and strict tone only made matters worse.

“Why are you angry at me?” she asked innocently, evidently hurt by his words. “I just wanted to look pretty, for you.”

Hoyoung scoffed in disbelief. “By dressing like that in this place? Yeah, sure.”

“I don’t understand why you’re so mad at me,” Sunye argued.

He grabbed her to the full-length mirror sitting just a few steps away from them, and almost shoved her into her reflection. “Look at that! You’re practically screaming at all those guys to come get you. You are dressed like a slut.”

Minyoung, who was at the peak of her aggravation, spoke up. “What the hell, Son Hoyoung! I can’t believe you right now. You, Mr Perfect, are always hanging out with pretty mature girls. Imagine how Sunye would feel. She just wanted to look right with you.”

“Oh goodness, this is ridiculous,” Hoyoung muttered.

Junyoung and the rest of the band walked away from the scene, ushering Minyoung as well along the way, to leave the couple to have some time together to solve their issue. Things weren’t looking good with just a quarter of an hour until their performance and they needed to get it done and over with quick.

“Are you serious?” he asked, this time not so much angered as he was disappointed.

“I can’t believe you just called me a slut.”

Only now realising his mistake amidst his raw emotions earlier on, Hoyoung was quick to interject. “I didn’t mean that.”

“Whatever, I’m going home,” she told him, turning on her heels. Her pride was already too hurt. She couldn’t bear spend any more time there. Sunye knew that if she stayed, their arguments would only escalate to lamentable heights.

“Yah! Where are you going?”

Whilst he had an exceptional gift in writing and composing beautiful sentimental songs, in brutal honesty, Son Hoyoung was helpless when it came to translating that in real life. Therefore, he was absolutely powerless when it came to consoling his long-time girlfriend, and he could not even do a single thing now that she was slipping away.

“Home!” she yelled at him before exiting the small backstage.

She could care less if the audience heard her voice. She wiped her tears away as she walked away, knowing Son Hoyoung was never going to run after her or even say sorry, true to his personality.

Son Hoyoung, I hate you so much.

“Sunye, are you OK?” Minyoung asked, very much concerned about her best friend.

She shook her head. “Far from it… Let’s just leave.”

Minyoung nodded and agreed to her request.

When the visibly upset Son Hoyoung stepped onto the stage, Min Sunye was already on the verge of exiting 18th Avenue. His eyes easily spotted his beautiful girlfriend, despite her petite frame which could easily be drowned in such a huge crowd, making her way to the corner end of the huge place, where one of the exit doors were placed.

Sunye turned her head one last time to look at Hoyoung on stage, and when he saw that extreme disappointment printed on her face, he felt his heart slump and shatter into a million paces. He couldn’t bear to look at her with those sad eyes, and especially when she was obviously holding back the tears when they made eye contact.

That was it.

“Don’t leave!” he said onto the microphone, stealing everyone’s attention.

Sunye stopped in her tracks.

“Sunye, don’t leave, please… I’m sorry.”

Everyone’s eyes darted to the lucky girl Son Hoyoung’s eyes were fixed on, as she turned around to face him. Within a millisecond, there was a noticeable smile carved on her face.

“Everyone, that beautiful person over there is my girlfriend,” he announced to everyone proudly. “And I love her so much.”

There was a pool of ‘aww’s and ‘aah's from the jealous and adoring crowd. Sunye could only stay frozen, as she smiled at him, understandably tensed at all the attention she was receiving. When she looked at his beautiful pair of brown eyes, she became lost in the moment and the crowd didn’t seem to affect her anymore. It was just Son Hoyoung and her.

“I’m dedicating this next song for her. ‘Just the way you are’. Sunye, I love you just the way you are. Don’t change a thing.”

A/N: As requested, a 'Wonder couple' pairing is up next. Which is it - 2YE, YuMin, MinAhn, SunLim or 2Sun? You'll have to wait and find it our yourself :P Also, Sunye-Seungri after that. :)

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12:17 AM

The Confession Saturday, September 17, 2011

(Pairing: Sunye/Donghae)

“Tell me something.”

She heaved a distressed sigh almost inaudibly, growing increasingly exasperated and frustrated at him. She bit her bottom lip, trying her hardest to heed him no attention. Min Sunye failed to achieve so many things when it came to repelling the imperishable feelings she harbored for him, so she could at least succeed this one time, couldn’t she?

Donghae admitted that he was a little bit surprised to see her ignoring him like he was a mild gust of the wind. Whatever it was that was bothering Sunye must had been something major; she very rarely exhibited this kind of demeanor. Yes, she would rather be left alone when she was mad, but she always gave Lee Donghae her time – always.

“Sunye, what’s wrong?”

“I don’t feel like talking to you, OK?” She spoke out before she could even control herself.

He just continued trailing her from behind, retracing her footsteps, keeping his much-needed silence, until they reached a bus stop. Still acting as though he was a transparent piece of thin air, her right hand searched through her pearl burgundy sling bag for an ear piece, all the while ignoring the presence of the longing human being sitting right next to her.

Donghae felt his heart slump in disappointment when he received the blatant cold shoulder from her. He was beginning to think that Sunye was mad at him, not anybody else. As he stared intensely at her nonchalance nature, he was mentally cramming through his mind for any mistake he had done, or any offensive words he might have said or any foul in his conduct.

The last time they hung out was the day prior and everything, he felt, was absolutely fine. They were heartily laughing over some inside jokes and it was basically all smiles.

“Are you mad at me?” he asked softly. The tone of his voice practically screamed ‘concern’ all over.

The earpiece was futile when she realized that there was no sound coming from it, and that she could very clearly hear what Donghae said. But she managed to hide her embarrassment and frustration by pretending that she was listening to her iPod, and she could not hear whatever that was coming out of his mouth. In fact, her eyes were directed to the big road, not to her left. She was ‘oblivious’ to him, basically.

But that didn’t mean that she wasn't feeling very anxious about this whole situation. Her heart was racing a million miles per hour and she hated that she was falling for it, yet again. It didn’t help that the bus took excessively long to arrive.

When his hand reached over and grabbed hers, she could have sworn she felt a thousand volts running through her system.

Static and incredibly tense, she hardly protested when his beautiful long fingers gently seized the faulty earpiece from her ears and put them away.

“Tell me what’s wrong…”

She hadn’t even recovered from the shock when she answered him. “I…” She suddenly found it hard to breathe. His gorgeous brown eyes were very captivating and there was a moment of silence. To add to that, he still had his hand holding hers. Thank goodness she was sitting down on a bench; imagine just how impossible of a task it would be to keep her jelly knees intact if she was standing up.

Before she could even control herself, she blurted out, “I really, really like you.”

When her words registered in his brain, his facial expression noticeably changed. On reflex, she withdrew her hand away from his hold and immediately stood up. She wished she could sink into the ground. How embarrassing. She was appalled at herself for saying that. What the hell was she thinking?

Avoiding any sort of eye contact with Donghae, Sunye hastily took her bag and zoomed away from the place, leaving the shocked young man alone at the bench. She ran and ran until she could no longer feel her legs – in all fairness, she had long not been able to feel them, since she found herself immersed into his magical eyes.

She stopped running when she thought she was safe and out of his reach. She let out a cynical laugh when she realized that she was acting the fool like she always did; why in the world would Lee Donghae chase after her? For all she knew, his mind was probably still lingering on Im Yoona. That thought only made her feel worse.

“Ahhh, I’m so stupid!”

Truthfully, she really did not want to continue investing her precious emotions for the undeserving Lee Donghae. Truth be told, Sunye really did think she had a chance with him, because he had been showing interest (or so she thought) of late, but her hopes (and poor heart) shattered into pieces when she discovered a handful amount of text messages coming from Yoona in his cell phone last night.

In hopes of therapeutic measures, Sunye decided to get an ice cream from a small convenience store at the corner of the street. She was not a big fan, but she trusted that scientific belief she had read about ice creams making you feel better.

It really was her worst day ever. It turned out that her wallet had possibly slipped off when she hurriedly grabbed her bag, and consequently, Min Sunye found herself searching through the bag pathetically in front of the impatient cashier. To make it worse, she had already ripped off the plastic and begun consuming it prior.

Whilst she was busily rummaging through her bag pack, mentally hunting for excuses in her chaotic state of mind, she felt one of her hands being pulled away by a strong grip. Fearing the worst (i.e., the scary-looking cashier), she closed her eyes for a brief moment and took a deep breath.

But it wasn’t him.

It was Lee Donghae.

The first thing she noticed was that he looked a little disorganized, like he was running. Did he chase after her?

“Sunye,” he spoke out.

She just stared at him, speechless.

“Do you like me?” Donghae asked.

Sunye sighed. She really had no other choices, did she? She had to surrender and concede herself.

She was aware of the mini crowd watching them in the shop and she had never felt so humiliated in her whole life. Did Donghae really want to degrade her pride, just because she crossed the borderline of friendship? Was it that big of a deal for him?

“Yes,” she began. “I’m sorry.”

Upon her apology, he raised his brows, seemingly in confusion. That, in turned, perplexed Sunye, as well.

“Why are you sorry about liking me?”

“Because I’m ruining our friendship, and I know you will hate me for that. I’m sorry, Donghae. I can’t help my feelings. I know you like Yoona and I’m nothing like her, but I really do like you,” she explained, with her vision turning moist.

His reaction left her stupefied. He chuckled in disbelief.

“Yoona and I? Where the hell did you get that idea?”

Surprised at his response, she told him frankly, “I… happened to see your hand phone inbox. And you had a history together; you’re asking me how the hell I got the idea?”

There was another chuckle coming from him, when he managed to connect the dots together. “So that’s why you were mad at me?”

“If you think it’s entertaining to humiliate me, it’s not, OK? I’m leaving.”

He grabbed her wrist and in a swift move, he embraced her in a comforting hug. “I like you, too.”

“Yoona and I were texting about you, silly.”

“What?” She was dumbfounded.

“I don’t like her, I like you. I’ve always liked you, Sunye,” he confessed, wiping away the tears on her pretty face. “I’m sorry this is far from a perfect proposal, and I even made you cry…”

Everyone at the small store gave the young lovers a round of applause as Sunye hugged him back.

“That is why you have a lot of compensations to do from now on,” she teased.

A/N: Request for Donghae-Sunye (they're cute) done. Up next is Son Hoyoung. woooooo, I'm so sorry I missed that request. I chose him for that sunbae, bcos they looked too good together during the family concert's 'Lies' collab. ;) And, koneyma, Wonder couples? It just so happens that I have one in my mind right now heheh. Alright :)

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10:49 PM

Basorexia Wednesday, September 14, 2011

(Pairing: Sunye/Jaejoong)

"Do you know what basorexia means?" her soft, sweet voice rang through his ears as she continued swinging herself back and forth.

He was sitting on the swing beside hers, watching her as she heartily laughed upon the question she asked. He didn't know how she did it, but just the merry sight of her could make him smile from ear to ear. She didn't have to try. To him, Min Sunye was super fascinating in every way possible.

She reached out her feet to reach the ground, with the intention of stopping the swing. Appearing on her flustered face was a frown. Kim Jaejoong broke out from his trance at the very sight. He didn't like it when she wasn't happy, even from the tiniest of problems.

"Yah, what's wrong?" he asked, showing hints of concern.

"I don't like it when I'm ignored," she reasoned, sulking out even more. "Were you even listening to me? Oh perhaps, your mind was lingering on the sexy back-up dancers you have been rehearsing with?"

Sunye wasn't the type to get childish, like how she had just exhibited. Being a celebrity, and furthermore the leader of a successful girl group, she was definitely mature way beyond her young age. She was aware that good communication skills were essential to make it in the tough industry, and she was such a negotiable person. Sunye would be the last person expected to be difficult to deal with... However, for some reason, she was 180 degrees opposite from her singer persona when it came to her boyfriend. She enjoyed making him suffer with her pettiness. Truth be told, she would admit it herself, she was such a bad partner. She was not only difficult, she was also always jealous, was short-tempered and demanding.

Kim Jaejoong, being utterly and irrevocably in love that he was, didn't mind it at all. At all. To him, her imperfections made her perfect in every sense.

"No, princess, I was too busy admiring your pretty face," he replied, as-a-matter-of-factly. "You know those dancers are way beyond my age. I don't go for noonas. Yoochun can have them for all I care."

Sunye laughed again, the frown visibly demolished from her gorgeous face. Even with the eyebags forming and exhaustion obvious, he still felt like she was a beautiful angel - one sent from above for him.

"I'm worried for you, oppa. You look so tired," she spoke out after a while, gazing carefully at her boyfriend of over a month. "I think you're overworking yourself."

He carved a warm smile. "I guess, great minds think alike... I was just thinking about how overworking you are. You've grown skinny."

"Aaaaaah, the things we do for our beloved career," she complained, in jest. “I can’t wait for my long break next year!”

Sunye reached her gloved hands out to stretch her muscles. The past couple of weeks had been strenuous with performances scheduled all over South Korea. The duo never got to talk even when they would come across each other in some of the events. As much as it killed them to only barely acknowledge each other when they wanted very much to be together, it was for the best.

"Ah," she continued, suddenly remembering what she wanted to say. "I wanted to ask... do you know what basorexia means?"

Jaejoong playfully rolled his eyes, feigning an exasperated scoff. "You and your complicated terms."

"Oppa, I think this will be your favourite, yet," she told him, giving a wink.

His interest peaked with his growing curiosity. He asked what it was. Jaejoong had figured it would be soccer or any of those sorts.

"Basorexia is defined as... the overwhelming desire to kiss." She looked over at him. "Interesting, isn't it?"

She was about to swing again, when his hands reached over to stop her.

"... Princess, I think I'm having a case of basorexia right now," he told her after a while, expressing the infamous smirk. Many girls would die just to see such a sight. "But, I think it's going on OD. I feel like if I don't receive one, I'm gonna die..."

He feigned a suffocated expression.

"You opportunist--"

Before she could yap away with her words, he leaned further forward – so close that she could feel his breath. His hand brushed against hers, and the light, carefree feeling in the air quickly spiralled into an immediate intensity. She turned her head and caught sight of his serious eyes staring at her. The hairs on the back of her neck began to rise as he started breaching the distance between his lips and her rosy pink ones...

A/N: I'll be honest. This isn't a new story. I posted it a while back at Soompi (but this was just an excerpt of it, and I chose a different story title). I really liked it though, that's why I posted this here :)

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8:04 AM

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

(Pairing: Sunye/Yunho)

The disbelief look planted on her gorgeous face said it all. Needless to say, as soon as Yunho finished his sentence, marveling at his idea like he was some sort of genius, Sunye had arrived to a conclusion that his mind had gone bonkers. Or, that he had always been nuts. Either way, Yunho should seek professional help.

Heaving a helpless sigh, seemingly one with a sarcastic tone, as though intended precisely for the 24-year-old heir, Min Sunye turned on her heels and left him hanging. She already had a rough day to begin with, and she figured that spending more time with the ridiculous human being in the form of Jung Yunho would only make it worse.

“God, woman. Why do you keep giving me that look?”

She need not heed him any attention, but somehow, she stopped in her tracks and responded anyway.

Standing a good few feet before her was the mocking young man. He heartily imitated Sunye’s infamous ‘are-you-kidding-me?’ look, one he had received for too many times – in the short period they had met. If you ask her, she would positively admit that Yunho was the first to receive that treatment (in Yunho’s book, he would probably term the hostility as ‘special treatment’); Sunye was actually a very easy-going girl, with a friendly personality. To be fair to her, who wouldn’t get annoyed at Yunho’s antiques? And mind you, she had no choice but to get stuck with him most of the time.

Not the least bit amused by his little poke of fun, she retorted defensively, “Because you are ridiculous.” She said it complete with her finger pointing accusingly at him. “Seriously, why are you so irritating? Were you born this way? Ugh. I don’t care if you are my boss’ son, I can’t stand you.”

Alas, he only found amusement in her words and chuckled. “You are the one who just had to find me irritating. I didn’t force you to find me irritating.”

Sunye rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time.

“I think it’s you who’s got an attitude problem. Everyone else is fond of me, even that friend of yours. Seriously, I have never met anyone who hates my attitude.”

To be honest, Sunye initially liked his character too.


Those pleasant thoughts of him went down the drain the moment she was assigned to train him. Oh, the horror.

Besides, what is wrong with faking a relationship? We both know of your situation,” he explained before she could even move her tongue in protest. “If anything, I am helping you out.”

She hated how he actually made sense.

“You don’t know my parents. They aren’t normal,” she said as-a-matter-of-factly.

He shrugged in response. “Well, there isn’t any harm in trying, is it?”

Sunye was almost lured by his idea, and was ready to give in, until she realized that she was missing one important bit. “Why are you doing this, though?”

He smiled and said, “I want to help you.”

Oh please, unless you are harboring some romantic feelings for me, which I doubt very much, you must be doing this for your own good,” she spoke out her thoughts.

“It’s complicated.”

She chuckled in disbelief. “Your mommy forcing you to stay committed or something?” she teased, emphasizing on the word ‘mommy’. She had learnt from her long hours spent with him that, although seemingly appearing the opposite, he was quite the mommy’s boy.

With a smirk, he told her, “Yes.” But that was only half the truth.

A.N. I've been occupied with.. well, life, basically lol, hence the absence. I've also started university, so yeah. O:)

I admit, this piece seems incomplete (and perhaps, rather disappointing heh). That's because I originally wanted to use it as a prologue for a chaptered story, but I figured that I am such a mess in staying committed into finishing long stories, so I posted this as a single entry instead....

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8:53 PM

Falling Apart Friday, May 27, 2011

(Pairing: Sunye/NG)

Looking at his profile with a heavy heart, she felt her body slump at his indifference. She hated the fact that no matter how much she tried, her efforts would come out futile. Sunye wanted to make it work, but everything was falling apart.

“Taehyun…” she called out his name helplessly.

The desperate plea in her tone eventually managed a response from Lee Taehyun. The anger was written very clearly in his fiery deep brown eyes as he waited for her to talk.

“Don’t be like this,” Sunye told him.

He didn’t seem as convinced as she would have liked.

“It’s you that I want, okay? You know my heart belongs to you, and only you. No one else matters.”

Pushing her reaching hand away from him, he retorted, “Well, quite clearly, it wasn’t me who you were making out with at the recording studio. Tell me, Sunye, how can your heart belong to me when you enjoyed that kiss?”

After that, his fury only risen. Min Sunye had never seen her boyfriend so enraged, that she felt the shivers going down her spines.

“The recording studio! My fucking place!”

“It was a mistake,” she quickly replied defensively.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” he spoke before she could explain herself furthermore. “I told you to stay away from him. I fucking told you.”

She did not know why she was extremely offended by that statement, especially knowing very well it was definitely the worst time to speak up for herself and their friendship, but her emotions got a hold of her. “Who the fuck are you to say that? I’ve known Junsu oppa since forever. Who are you to judge our friendship?”

Taehyun gestured his shoulders into a sarcastic shrug. “Oh, now isn’t it obvious? I don’t want to waste my fucking time with you anymore.”

As his retreating figure begun blending in with the darkness of the cold night, Sunye found her vision blurred with overwhelming moist.

A/N: The NG here is supposed to be a JYPE USA music producer. I've always had the idea of writing a story involving a staff heheh :3

As requested, Yunho would be up next! :D

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9:22 PM

Little Did She Know Saturday, May 21, 2011

(Pairing: Sunye/Junho)

“He saw you naked?”

Hesitantly nodding her head to a ‘yes’, Min Sunye could literally feel her cheeks burning red hot. She was growing more embarrassed as she began unfolding the naked incident the night prior involving Lee Junho and her at her cousin’s apartment.

“Oh my god!” Yubin and Yeeun, her dearest best friends, both said at the same time in bewilderment, as gasps escaped from their respective ‘O’-shaped mouths.

Fanning herself with her left hand, she tried to release the sudden rise in temperature surrounding their table. It was getting really hot, and in all honestly, she didn't understand why she was acting that way. After all, Lee Junho was obviously gay, so she shouldn't worry too much.

But she had to admit, Junho's reaction was surprisingly unexpected. Recalling how his face turned pale and how he dashed out of the room like his life depended on it, Sunye seriously hoped she hadn't affected his sexual orientation and straightened him up.

Or, maybe all men are like that, regardless of their sexual preferences. She had no idea.

"But don't worry, guys. Despite my heavenly body, I doubt he would get turned on. Isn't he happily gay?" Sunye spoke out after a while. Her friends' silence was scaring her off, and not to mention, for some reason, clouds of doubts began hovering over her mind. Truth be told, Min Sunye was not sure anymore whether Junho was really gay, because all along, it had been her mere assumption. However, to be fair to her, there was so much evidence that pointed to the fact that Junho was indeed homosexual. She didn't have to ask; As the old saying goes, 'actions speak louder than words.'

To add to her worries, Yubin spoke exactly what Sunye had in mind. "But, you know, while Junho isn't the typical manly guy and that he hugs and does skinships with pretty boys all the time, it does not necessarily mean he's gay."

Sunye insisted, "He can cook, he sings, he likes pink."

"Well, how did he react when he saw you with no clothes on? That's the easiest way to tell his orientation."

Yeeun's words registered in her mind, and Sunye was speechless.


The heavy sigh escaping Jinwoon's mouth was a clear indication that he was growing increasingly annoyed at his cousin's ridiculous atrocity. It was a beautiful Sunday morning and he had planned to hibernate his exhausted body, but his idea was ruined when Sunye came barging into his room and started throwing questions regarding his friend's sexual preferences.

"You're getting on my nerves. Stop shouting," Jinwoon calmly (or he tried to) replied. "How the hell did you come up with Junho being gay anyway? That's ridiculous."

"Do you not see how he acts? He's... not manly."

Jinwoon sat up straight, knowing very well the fact that Sunye was not going to leave his bedroom any time soon. As he stretched his arms, he spoke out, "If I didn't know him well, I would have had that idea too. But, there's no way. He's had girlfriends in the past, Sunye."

It felt like a bucket of cold water was poured down onto her, as the reality came knocking.

Noticing Sunye's shocked state, a huge light bulb lit on Jinwoon's brain. He reached over to grab her hands, and asked a little too enthusiastically, "He finally told you?"

Before his cousin could even respond, Jinwoon continued. "That bastard. I thought he wouldn't dare... He likes you."

He. Likes. You.

Oh my god.


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12:32 AM

Soulmates Monday, May 9, 2011

(Pairing: Sunye/Siwon)

I didn’t know what wrong I had done in my past life, but fate loved playing games with me. How else would you explain him showing up once again in my life and ruining the serenity, bringing back the chaos and calamity that I could very well do without?

To my question, Choi Siwon would answer, in his signature cool and collected manner, “Because we’re soul mates.”

You would think after everything that happened, I would have the intelligence to neglect his charming words and address them as pure bullshit, but he had this… unexplainable effect on me. It was like he had complete control over my emotions, and he knew just exactly how trigger them, and sway them in his favour. I would be the first to admit that I was stupid to come back crawling at him like a sick puppy, but when it came to Siwon, I just automatically became at loss with my rational thinking. I forgave him for turning my life upside down so easily, and he didn’t even have to try.

Maybe I didn’t try hard enough, or perhaps, I never hated him all this while. I just announced the fact that I loathed his very existence because I didn’t want to appear too weak in front of everyone else. It was some sort of façade. But look now, who was I kidding?


My immediate attention focused on the suddenly fuming Siwon. He ran his fingers through his hair and written on his eyes were inexplicable degree of anger. He loosened up his tie in infuriation and begun pacing back and forth as he pressed some numbers aggressively on his cell phone.

“Babe, what is wrong?” I was extremely worried. I just had this sinking feeling that…

“MAYHEM FOUND US OUT!” Siwon screamed to the other line.

As if on slow motion, that sentence sank a little too slowly in my anxious brain. Perhaps, I was in denial and I didn’t want to accept that deadly fact. I knew just how fatal the situation was unfolding.

Clutching on to my chest to calm the frantic beatings of my heart, I stayed in silence as I tried to relax my nerves. I stared at Siwon, who had his eyes kept on me as he continued discussing it with his partner, Seunghyun. His beautiful gaze did not work its magic this time, as I was still shaken with fear.

After hanging up the phone, he quickly grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.

“It’s going to be okay.”

That was when the tears I held in amidst my moist vision were involuntarily released and tears came pouring down from the corner of my eyes uncontrollably.

The realistic part of me spoke out, “No, it’s not going to be!”

Siwon only tightened his embrace.

“I’m going with you,” I demanded, with undiscovered authority tagging firmly in the tone of my insistent voice.

“No, it’s not safe,” he retorted back, equally adamant.

I rolled my eyes and looked away, certainly not willing to give up on my request. I wouldn’t call it a request; it was more like a definite command.

Seeing my unwavering response, Siwon placed his hands on both of my arms. There was a strong grip installed, it was hurting me a little. He stared intensely at me, and we stayed like that for a good few minutes.

There was so much unspoken exchange and the deafening silence was getting ridiculous. Just as I was about to speak up, he beat me to it. There were tears almost swallowing his eyes, and I just felt absolutely crushed. Whilst it would be such a norm for me to be the one weeping, I had never seen Siwon cried, ever.

“I love you, Sunye. I love you to death and nothing will ever change that fact.”

I wasted no time in pressing my lips onto his, but I was still very obstinate in the back of my head. After a good few minutes of passionate kissing, I quickly interjected, “If you love me, why won’t you let me be with you? Why do you have to run by yourself, why can’t I be running away with you?”

“Don’t you understand? It’s so fucking dangerous! Do you not know Mayhem?!!”

“We can do this together. I can’t live without you.”

“No, I don’t wanna risk losing you.”

I started throwing him punches out of pure frustration. Why couldn’t he understand the fact that I simply could not live without him? That I would be driven to the point of insanity knowing he was in so much danger and I could no nothing about it?

I wanted to continue justifying my opinion, but Siwon wouldn’t give up. “It’s final. I don’t want you joining me and get yourself exposed to this world.”

“FINE! Then, go ahead, leave me. Don’t you come back one day and start all that soul mate crap, because after this, I’ll be moving on. Siwon, don’t think you’ll ever have a chance again with me!” I yelled right onto his face. “You know what you’re doing? You’re PLAYING with me. I am just some sort of an entertainment. But when things get tough, clearly, you don’t think I’m even worth it. You had me fooled once, this is the last straw.”

“What the fuck do you think I am? Is that how you perceive of me? Playing you like you are some sort of an entertainment?!” He fired back, his facial expression exhibiting his extreme incredulity. “I can’t believe you would take my love for granted.”

You are the one who’s taking my love for granted,” I insisted. Truth be told, I had no idea what I was saying anymore, and I knew I was pushing his buttons, but I was so angry and I wanted him to change his mind.

“I never take it for granted,” he responded, surprising me by how composed he had suddenly become. “Sunye, I love you and from the start, I had always told myself to never get myself involved with you because you deserve so much better. You have a bright future ahead and it would be extremely selfish of me to get you entangled into this underworld.”

“Then why did you start a relationship with me? And why the hell did you come back? Oh, right, you told me it's because we're soul mates.” I told him sarcastically.

He seemed to have been taken aback because he became mute. The intensity in his fiery beautiful brown eyes also looked like they had taken a backseat, because Siwon had no idea how to respond.

I continued as the flow of tears remained cascading across my face. I must have looked ridiculous, but none of that mattered. “You know, I was doing fine until you came back. And that was when I made the decision that I would never want to be apart from you anymore. I would be willing to get myself accustomed to your world.”

There was a glimmer of hope that Siwon would change his mind, but before I could start getting hopeful, he cruelly shot those thoughts away. “No, I can’t bring you with me.”

At the peak of my frustration, and on the verge of losing it, I turned on my heels and decided to walk away from him. I hadn’t given up yet, but I was doing it to slap some senses into his stubborn head and once again, make him change his mind. When I realised there was absolutely no response from his static self, I knew I had to make an intervention.

Upon reaching the door of his bedroom, I turned around and said, “I’m bidding you goodbye. Please don’t come back one day and claim me yours again. At least, I would want you to respect my future relationships.”

I wanted to scream when I noticed he hadn’t moved an inch at all.

So I continued, “I actually believed it when you called me your soul mate. I guess it’s not meant to be, my soul mate is someone else.”

That worked its magic. He ran towards me and hugged me so strongly like there was no tomorrow.

“I don’t ever want to lose you.”

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