The anger and rage were evident to have overwhelmed his entire system from the tone of his voice.
"Look what we've come to. You're siding her!" Sunye, as well, was enraged with so much anger and frustations that she could literally explode.
At one time in her life, she was afraid to let her true feelings show. She didn't mind sacrifices. She didn't mind being the sacrifice, as long as her loved ones were happy. It proved costly.
Sunye had learnt to express everything, whatever the hell she felt.
But it seemed like the little patience and understanding left of her made things difficult.
A certain him found it difficult.
"I don't know why you've to make things so complicated. It's you whom I'm dating, not her, not anyone else." Seulong had calmed down a bit, but he was still at the peak of his frustration.
He looked at the girl standing before her. She had her fists balled up as if she was going to throw a punch, her eyes showed angst and she was just steaming with anger.
Sometimes he wondered if their relationship was worth to fight for. At times, he couldn't help the lingering thoughts of ending their rocky, tensed and definitely, unhealthy union.
How was he supposed to bear the overjealousy Sunye possessed? How could he live without interacting with an opposite sex just to satisfy her anxious girlfriend?
"Men are all the same, fcuking cheaters."
That statement lit up the fire in him even more so.
It wasn't that he was cheating or that he was angry because she was accusing falsely of him. He wouldn't have felt so much anger if it was because of those reasons.
Seulong could see how Sunye was still reeling over that person.
She still loved Seunghyun.
He saved her a sarcastic ring of laughter before he began talking, "Would have saved me so much time if you told me earlier."
A look of realisation crawled onto her fair face.
"Don't start." It was almost a plea.
"Fuck this, fuck everything. Go back to him, I could care less!"
"I don--"
He ran his fingers along his short dark hair in extreme exasperation.
"Sunye, I have told you over and over again, I respect your past! But, fcuking hell. Don't compare me with him! We are not the same. He cheated on you, I'm never gonna!"
She just stayed silent, as he heaved a huge, distressed sigh.
"But you're never gonna stop comparing because you can't get over him."
"Seulong, I--"
He interrupted her once again. "Just, fuck this relationship. Go crawl back to him. I don't need this fuckery to mess up my mind."
And with that, he left.
Sunye just watched as the retreating figure never once looked back at the scene or her.
Her heart sank as the tears began to blur her vision.
For once in a very long time, she felt the guilt.